What's a good movie to watch?
Ask TasteMatch!
TasteMatch.com lets you rate how much you have enjoyed movies, books,
music or various other things in the past. You can then ask TasteMatch
for some suggestions of new things to enjoy. TasteMatch will find other
members who share your similar (or exact!) tastes, and useing their preferences,
TasteMatch can confidently reccomend new things for you to try which you should
almost certainly enjoy!
TasteMatch is:-
- Fast - you can get suggestions immediately. You can rate as
many or as few things as you want (the more you rate the more accurate TasteMatch
becomes, but it doesn't take many ratings to get accurate fast!)
- Easy to use - There are no rating scales to learn and understand
- you just use your mouse to drag and drop things into your ratings list -
up the top if you loved them, down the bottom if you hated them, or the appropriate
place inbetween!
- Free, everyone can use TasteMatch for free. If you really like it,
go and spend some money with our sponsors.
- Private. We don't share your ratings, and we don't collect unncessary
informaition from you. You only need to make up one nickname to use TasteMatch.
You can have an optional password if you don't want other people changing
your ratings.
Right now, you can use TasteMatch rate movies. We are working on the ratings
and suggestions engine for these other categories which will all be coming soon:-
- What TasteMatch is.
- TasteMatch is a giant database of Movies, Books, Music, and so on, together
with the personal "enjoyment" ratings of thousands of internet users like
yourself. You give TasteMatch an idea of your "tastes" by ranking your enjoyment
of things in your chosen categories. TasteMatch can then offer suggestions
to you for new Movies, Books, Music, etc which you are almost certainly going
to love, based on the personal favourites of other TasteMatch users who share
your identical tastes!
- Other things TasteMatch can do.
- You can ask for unusual correlations (eg: you can ask "what's a good
book to read", using your Movie ratings (i.e. what book do everyone with
your taste in movies most agreee they all enjoyed)). You can match yourself
and your partner to find compatible books, movies, and music etc that you're
both (or all) going to enjoy!. You can look at our graphical compatibility
ratings to find out how unique your tastes are compared to everyone else.
We might add some fun personality tests, puzzles, or IQ tests for you to try
in future too.
- Why TasteMatch is so accurate.
- We do not use a discrete rating scale. Users do not have to grapple with
"nought to ten" or "1 thru 5" or "1 to 7" or
other artificial ranking scales, which frees everyone from the inacuracies
and generalisation inherant in those systems. Our ratings scale it fully relative.
It remains acurate for everyone all the time. Everyones ranking scale means
exactly the same thing, which leaves TasteMatch free to get on with the job
of providing extremely accurate and outstanding suggestions!
- How TasteMatch outperforms similar sites.
- Some sites let everyone vote on how good something is, which completely
ignores individuals tastes. We obviously don't do that - everyone's different!.
Other sites use scales, like 1 thru 5, to rate things. This is hard
to work out for users, and different people give different rankings (eg: some
people never give 5/5 because "nothing's perfect"). We don't do
this, so we don't have to work with inacurate data to begin with, and we don't
have to write programs to decide if "John's 3 is the same as Susan's
5". TasteMatch gives everyone the facility to easily change their minds,
and anyone can rank the best movie they've ever seen at any time - even if
they already have a favorite and they then watch a better one - something
that happens often when users take TasteMatch suggestions seriously!
- Chris Drake wrote TasteMatch because...
- He watched one-too-many rubbish movies, and decided to "do something
about it".
- Adaptive Statistical Inference (How TasteMatch works)
- TasteMatch uses an adaptive statistical inference approach to obtaining
the maximum possible accuracy when looking for suggestions for you. It's algorithm
is adaptive - that is - it uses your rankings together with the rankings of
every other tastematch user in order to isolate other people who share your
tastes. It then uses the rankings of these people who share your tastes to
find things you've not yet enjoyed, and suggest them to you. It chooses the
best matches from your taste group to "predict" your known tastes in movies
with the highest accuracy - only then will TasteMatch embark on choosing suggestions
for you. No TasteMatch algorithms are patented. The author believes these
techniques are valuable computing methods and should be freely available to
all who wish to build systems with them to improve everyday life. The author
has published software using these and other techniques between 1982 and 1996,
and as such they are all now free and in the public domain.
- Helpers encouraged !!
- If you would like to contribute anything to this site, please let me know!
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- ReadNotify.com - A service to
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- GalacticProperty.com Search
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- ZapSpam.com - Never read junk mail
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- SenderPays.com - Charge any
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- ThisBelongsTo.com - Engrave
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- GuardPuppy.com - Block eavesdropping
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- DigitalCB.com - A free, mobile,
terabit internet connection for life. Free mobile and fixed phone calls
to anywhere at anytime!
- CodedGoods.com - Engrave your
goods to deter theft, or recover lost items easily. Still allows you to
sell them yourself!
- SelfDestructingEmail.com
- Take control of your words even after they leave your hands! You
decide if or when your email should be deleted, printed, or forwarded
to other people - or not!
- IConCue.com - Find out when your
friends come online by getting an SMS message on your mobile!
- NetSafe
- Block eavesdropping on your PC! - Stops keyloggers from stealing your
- ReadConfirm.com - A service
to let you know when email you send gets read!
- CheckOwner.com - Engrave your
goods to deter theft, or recover lost items easily. Still allows you to
sell them yourself!
- SelfDestructingMessage.com
- Take control of your words even after they leave your hands! You
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- OwnerIs.com - Engrave your goods
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- SpamZap.com - Never read junk mail
again; never miss a legitimate email.
- SelfDestructing.com - Take
control of your words even after they leave your hands! You decide
if or when your email should be deleted, printed, or forwarded to other
people - or not!
- TasteMatch.com - Find a good
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- EdibleGardening.com - Watch
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- Self-Destructing-Email.com
- Take control of your words even after they leave your hands! You
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- ChrisDrake.com - Home page of
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- EmailMobile.com - Get an SMS
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- geek.net.au - A work in continual
- Self-Destructing.com -
Take control of your words even after they leave your hands! You
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